Star wars episode 9 review

As many people went into the movie wanted to hate it, they may not be liking it but I genuinely enjoyed it. A solid movie in the triology owing to my Lower expectations due to last jedi but boy, it didn’t disappoint me.

Though they were plotholes u know its fine as long I enjoyed watching it. Rating :- 3.5/5.

SO iam gonna dive right into spoilery section so here we Go. The movie begins with kylo ren/Ben solo going to mustafar which is the place to vader’s castle to retrieve the Sith way finder which leads to Exegol(sith planet /world). The movie basically revolves around this wayfinder and you can more force Skype sessions in this movie between kylo and rey but better executed. The emperor promises A new empire if he succeeds in killing Rey/bringing her to dark side which kylo fails to do. I think the movie had a razor sharp editing at no point u feel the slowing in pace. Han solo and leia playing an important role in kylo ren redemption is a great moment, His sacrifice by force healing Rey which rey does earlier in the movie to save kylo is a full circle to his arc and I believe this triology is journey of kylo as much it is rey’s journey. The final battle could’ve been much longer. We got to know who rey’s parents are. She’s none other than rey palpantine. The emperor uses the same words as he used in return of Jedi to Luke, “strike me down….. “. Which Rey doesn’t do and the end battle is between all jedi and all sith in which he hear many voices like obi wan, anakin, ahsoka tano, Yoda, luke and many more dead jedi in the saga. but major plothole in this movie its not explicitly explained how emperor came back which gives room to many questions , cloning??, using force sensitive creatures like baby Yoda?? How is chewie alive?? Why did hux betray??